February 13, 2025
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Last Week
Feb 1, 2025 – February TO DO List
- January payroll liabilities due February 15. Since this date falls on a Saturday, the due date shifts to the next business day which is Tuesday February 18 since Monday the 17th is Family Day.
- T4s, T4As etc. must be given to employees and other individuals providing services no later than February 28.
- Copies of all T4s, T4As etc. and their respective Summaries must be sent to CRA no later than February 28.
- Provide all donors with their charitable tax receipts no later than February 28. If you have a fiscal year-end that is not December 31st, you must still complete charitable tax receipts for all donors now because these receipts are based on the calendar year of January 01 to December 31.
- If you have not already done so, submit your application for the GST/HST Public Service Bodies Rebate.
The following are for those with a December 31 fiscal year-end:
- If using the accrual bookkeeping method, pay close attention when reconciling the January and February bank statements to ensure all expenses are credited to the proper year.
- Finalize financial statements in preparation for the Annual General Meeting.
- Prepare a list of counters for the offering counting teams to be used during the upcoming year and have this list approved by the new Board after the Annual General Meeting.
- Prepare a counting team schedule as far in advance as possible in order to assist the counters with planning to be available when needed.
Jan 4, 2025 – January TO DO List
- December payroll liabilities due January 15.
- Have books audited and prepared for the Annual General Meeting if you have a December 31 year end.
- Begin processing 2024 charitable tax receipts for donors.
- Apply for your HST Rebate if you are in a participating province and for all other provinces apply for your GST Rebate.
(Participating provinces are Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Ontario.)
Dec 30, 2024 – Extension of 2024 Charitable Donations to February 28, 2025
The Minister of Finance and Intergovernmental Affairs along with the Minister of National Revenue announced today that the federal government intends to amend the Income Tax Act to extend the deadline for making donations eligible for tax support in the 2024 tax year, until February 28, 2025.
This extension will mitigate the impacts of the four-week Canada Post mail stoppage by providing donors with sufficient time to ensure their contributions are received and processed.
The government will introduce legislation effecting these changes once Parliament returns in the new year.
Additional details may be viewed in the news release on the Department of Finance Canada website at
Dec 30, 2024 – Automobile Deductions and Expenses for 2025
The Department of Finance Canada announced today the automobile income tax deduction limits and expense benefit rates for 2025.
The limit on the deduction of tax-exempt allowances paid by employers to employees who use their personal vehicle for business purposes in the provinces will increase by two cents to 72 cents per kilometre for the first 5,000 kilometres driven, and to 66 cents for each additional kilometre.
The rates for the territories are traditionally set 4 cents higher and they will also increase by two cents to 76 cents per kilometre for the first 5,000 kilometres driven, and to 70 cents for each additional kilometre.
While the above information will be sufficient for most churches and ministries, additional details for specific situations including standby charges for the personal use of an employer provided vehicle, capital cost allowance, leasing costs, interest costs, etc. may be viewed in the news release on the Department of Finance Canada website at
May 31, 2023 – CRA Updates T3010 and Adds New Form T1441
CRA has updated the T3010, Registered Charity Information Return which now requires charities to report grants they made to non-qualified donees. This update was made within Section "C" by adding question C16 which contains four new Lines: 5840, 5841, 5842, and 5843.
See https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/formspubs/pbg/t3010/t3010-23e.pdf
If you answer "Yes" on Line 5841, you must also complete the new Form T1441, Qualifying Disbursements: Grants to Non-Qualified Donees at https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/forms/t1441.html
The Guide T4033, Completing Form T3010 Registered Charity Information Return will also be updated in the near future and will provide instructions on how to complete the new T3010 and T1441.
You must use the updated version of the T3010 when filing your charity’s return. If you already filed a return for your fiscal period end, you do not need to refile with the new form
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