February 13, 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
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Is Church Treasurers of Canada Inc. affiliated with any particular church or denomination?
We are inter-denominational and our membership list represents a large variety of denominations, churches, ministries and charities, as well as professional bookkeeping and accounting firms.
Our organization is not a church but a charity. Are we allowed to become a member?
Yes! Although Church Treasurers of Canada Inc. was formed to provide assistance to church treasurers, the charity laws pertain to all charities and not just churches. If you are comfortable belonging to an organization that is Christian in nature, we would be happy to have you join with us.
Group Discounts
Which companies give discounts to members?
The following companies provide our members with discount prices:
[a link='http://www.enterprise.com']Enterprise Rent-A-Car[/a]
[a link='http://www.envelopeservice.com']NCS Church Envelope Company[/a]
[a link='http://www.nebs.ca']NEBS Business Products[/a]
[a link='http://www.chequesnow.ca']Print and Cheques Now Inc.[/a]
[a link='http://www.tracysartstudio.com']Tracy's Art Studio[/a]
Although the following two insurance companies are unable to offer discount prices, they do offer our members preferential service:
[a link='http://www.brokerforce.ca']BrokerForce Insurance Inc.[/a]
[a link='http://www.kechnie.com']Kechnie Benefits[/a]
We are negotiating with other companies and expect to add more to this list shortly.
I have some specific questions as a treasurer. Where can I ask them?
In the Members Only area we maintain a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section where you may find the answers to many of your questions.
Members are also allowed to contact us by email, mail, fax, or telephone with their questions.
Membership Fees Etc.
How much are the annual membership fees?
The annual fee is $180.00 plus GST/HST.
Can our church subscribe to the emailed news items or purchase individual copies without becoming a member?
The emailed news items are published for the benefit of our members and the only way to regularly receive them is to become a member of Church Treasurers of Canada Inc.
We do occasionally provide free copies at our seminars and in some of our mail campaigns but these are provided on a one time only basis as samples.
Can professionals become members or must you be a church or charity?
Yes! Many professionals have become members.
Can I be listed on the Professional Help page without becoming a member?
We do require Professionals to become members before listing them on our Professional Help page.
Church and charity treasurers face many issues and problems on a regular basis that are unique to those working in the charity and non-profit areas. This often requires a different approach or solution than what would be used by treasurers in the secular world. By requiring membership we know that Professionals will be in an excellent position to remain current with the ever changing rules, procedures and regulations relating to churches and charities.
We do not intend to downplay the expertise of Professionals who offer their services to charities but instead we are available to assist them in becoming familiar with the unique world of the church and charity treasurer.
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